Sunday, March 29, 2015

Social Media People

There are some kinds of people who are using social media portals (such as facebook, path, twitter, instagram, many more you name it). I will make a changeable list of their functional pattern:

1) People who work through these. 
Social media officer, strategist, public figure, buzzer. They only post something in order to promote their duty.

2) People who need procrastination.
They who don't know what to do when they have nothing to. They who wait. They who need an activity so they look busy. 

3) People who scale status validation from others' thought.
These are people who post everything, like every... Thing. Show off and get happy when people notice (and like their post too). Get screwed when nobody cares. Socmed is everything for them.

4) People who have it because they've been asked to.
Or maybe a friend registered them up. Then they never sign in to. Even if they do, they would soon become other typicality of social media people we are talking about.

5) People who loved it but then get bored.
Previously, they were so active in it. Posting, commenting, replying, anything. Then this kind of people no longer find it interesting. So even when they sign in, they would only see others' activity, like-like-like and if it necessary they leave a comment. They sign in like only once a week per se.

6) People who are drama queens.
They who use social media apps to spread their trivial complaints. And maybe they look for sympathy. 

7) People who judge.
Seeing, seeing, seeing. Judging, judging, judging. Do nothing then. This bitchy character is the closest one to me. 👿

I'll add some more if i found another!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


They use to talk in their own language, not letting others understand, but they talk in a high pitched volume. When we notice, they suddenly talk girl language by whispering.
They get mad, they get gargled, they laugh, they get mad, they shut, they joke, they get mad. Girls are mad.
They are selective of making friends.
They envy their friends.
They cry a lot and the next day they judge others pussydoll. 
They are always up and down and up and down and they still need to be understood. 
They love surprises. They love surprising. They love being surprised. They love everything but surprises too. 
They hate to be ignored, yet they use to ignore people. 
Girls are strange.
Therefore i'm straight.